Helpful & Interesting Links


Descendants of Confederate Veterans
Descendants of Confederate Veterans
Sons or Confederate Veterans
SCV International Headquarters
SCV Texas Division
SCV Texas Division

United Daughters of the Confederacy
United Daughters of the Confederacy
Texas United Daughters of the Confederacy
Texas UDC
Texas Society - Order of the Confederate Rose
Texas Society
Order of Confederate Rose
Order of the Stars and Bars
Military Order of The Stars and Bars

Texas Society Military Order of the Stars and Bars
Texas Society Military Order of the Stars and Bars
Daughter of CSA Officers
Daughters of CSA Officers

Make Dixie Great Again
Sam Davis Christian Youth Camp
Sam Davis Christian Youth Camp
Hood's Texas Brigade Reactivated
Hood's Texas Brigade Association - Reactivated


Genealogical Sites

Family Search: Free Family History, Family Tree, and Genealogy Records and Resources from Around the World Ancestry is a great place to research your family Military records that tell the American story.

fold3: The web's premier collection of original military records

National Archives: Confederate Pensions

Rootsweb World Connect Project: A database of family trees


Museums and Such

The Confederate Museum

Texas Civil War Museum: Fort Worth, TX

Texas Heritage Museum at Hill College - Hillsboro, TX

Louisiana's Civil War Museum at Confederate Memorial Hall New Orleans

Museum of Southern History: Following a lengthy tenure in Sugar Land, Texas

President Jefferson Davis' Home & Library

Pioneer Farms - Austin Texas

Texas Military Forces Museum

Texas Military Forces Museum - Austin Texas

Medicine in the Civil War

A Historical Look at Firearms of the Civil War


Miscellaneous Links

SCV's Official YouTube Site

SCV's Official Facebook Page

SCV Headquarters Blog

Southern Pride Flag Company

American Civil War Association

Civil War Potpourri: Facts About the Civil War

Confederate Veteran Magazine Blog

National Civil War Association

Stephen D. Lee Institute

Texian Legacy Association

Austin Civil War Roundtable

The Texas Navy Association

Declaration of Independence and other Historic Documents

Texas Ordinance of Secession

Texas Constitution

(listed alphabetically)

** The 1st Lieutenant David Richard Reynolds Headquarters Chapter nor **
** The Descendants of Confederate Veterans does not recommend or guarentee the work of any specific Sutler.