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1st Lt. David Richard Reynolds


On-Line Order Form for the
CSA Army Service Medal

Your full name: (As you want it to appear on your Certificate)

Your complete street address: (Where you wnat you certificate mailed)

Your City State Zip Code

Your telephone number:

Your e-mail address:

Camp Name: (if you are a member of the SCV)

Information on your Confederate Ancestor(as you want it to appear on the certificate.)

Rank and Name of the soldier:

Military Unit and State, if known: (How you want it to appear on the certificate.)

Soldier's relationship to you:

Army Service Area in which your Ancestor served:
Army of Northern Virginia
Army of Tennessee
Army of Trans-Mississippi

How did you hear about the CSA Army Service Medal?

If you would like to purchase additional bars to show different army areas in which your ancestor served, please list them in the comments section below.
